Reporting obligation

Who does it apply to?

Any company placing packaged products on the Belgian market.

This obligation also applies to intermunicipalities, vendors of packaged household products and companies that submit packaging prevention plans, such as companies responsible for packaging (“responsible companies”) and certain trade federations.

What does it mean for my company?

Your company must report annually to the Interregional Packaging Commission on the quantity, type and recycling rate of any packaging your company places on the Belgian market.

In short, you must demonstrate that you meet the legally mandated targets.

How can my company comply with the reporting obligation?

You have two options:

1. Report via an accredited compliance organisation

You can comply with your statutory obligations by joining an accredited compliance organisation, which will then take care of the formalities for you.

Valipac is the accredited compliance organisation for industrial & commercial packaging.

Fost Plus is the accredited compliance organisation for household packaging.

If your packaging is found in companies as well as in households, you must join both organisations. This will ensure that you are meeting your reporting and take-back obligations in full.

2. Report to the IRPC yourself

If you wish to comply with your reporting obligation yourself, you must collect proof of the recycling and recovery of the packaging for which your company is responsible, and provide that proof to the Interregional Packaging Commission (IRPC). You can do this online via the “packaging declaration”.

You may submit your own declaration if:

  •  your company is only responsible for type C packaging
  • your company organises the take-back (i.e. recycling and recovery) of its packaging waste from its customers itself

Click here for more information on online reporting (available in Dutch, French or German).

Interregional Packaging Commission (IRPC)