As the Belgian waste transit authority, the IRPC decides on notifications regarding cross-border shipments of waste through Belgium. This only concerns the transportation through Belgium of waste that does not originate from Belgium and will not be processed there either.
The IRPC is therefore also the competent authority for shipments of waste in transit through Belgium that involve travelling through only one of the three Belgian Regions.
The IRPC has no authority over the import of foreign waste into Belgium or the export of Belgian waste abroad.
The relevant competent authorities for import/export are:
for the Flemish Region, the Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM):
Stationsstraat 110
2800 Mechelen
Tel.: +32 15 28 42 84
for the Walloon Region, the Walloon Public Service for Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment:
SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement
Département du Sol et des Déchets
La direction des infrastructures de gestion et de la politique des déchets
Avenue Prince de Liège 15
5100 Jambes
Tel.: +32 81 33 65 34
for the Brussels-Capital Region:
Bruxelles Environnement/Leefmilieu Brussel
Site de Tour & Taxis
Avenue du Port 86c/3000
1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 775 75 75
Submission of a notification file
Notifications should preferably be submitted electronically, either directly to the IRPC at, or via the European Commission’s IMSOC system at
As of 1 July 2023, the IRPC will charge a handling fee for each new notification. You can find further information under ‘Handling fee’.
Submission by post is still possible, but this is no longer recommended. However, you can still send your correspondence to:
Service Transit des déchets
Rue Gaucheret 92/94
B-1030 Brussels
The IRPC will ask any further questions about a notification by e-mail only. Decisions taken are now also communicated exclusively by e-mail. Please ensure that the contacts and e-mail addresses given in your notification file are always correct.
Shipment notifications
Waste shipments covered by the above prior notification procedure are also subject to the notification procedure for each shipment, as described in Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006. These shipment notifications are registered in the IRPC’s database. The IRPC provides an electronic system for this purpose. Anyone using this notification system should note that the data submitted is registered only with the IRPC. There is no link to the electronic systems of other countries or authorities.
To notify a shipment, either the duly completed accompanying movement documents are sent to and an IRPC member of staff registers the notification in the database, or the notifier and consignee log in with their username and password, and then fill in and register the information relating to the shipment themselves directly in the database.
Waste shipments not covered by the prior notification procedure, but which come under the Article 18 procedure, are not subject to the shipment notification procedure either. Consequently, the IRPC has no information about these shipments.
The IRPC does not carry out checks on cross-border shipments of waste transiting through Belgium. This is the responsibility of the regional environmental inspectorates, whose contact details are as follows:
for the Flemish Region, the Flemish government:
Vlaamse overheid
Departement Omgeving
Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw
Koning Albert II laan 20, bus 8
1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 553 10 99
for the Walloon Region, the Walloon Public Service (SPW):
Département de la Police et des Contrôles
Avenue Prince de Liège 7
5100 NAMUR (Jambes)
Tel.: +32 81 33 58 95
for the Brussels-Capital Region:
Bruxelles Environnement/Leefmilieu Brussel
Site de Tour & Taxis
Avenue du Port 86c/3000
1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 775 75 75
Hereby you will find the list of approved notifications by Belgium.