
On our website you can find packaging waste legislation and transit regulations, as well as background information about our organisation, the latest Fost Plus and Valipac accreditations, recent Activity Reports, and more. Some downloads and the news items are not available in English. If you need additional information, please visit our website in Dutch or French.

Activity report

Activity Report 2023

The 2023 Activity Report of the Interregional Packaging Commission is now available online.   View it here


  • Downloads IVCIE

    Fost Plus
    Accreditation Fost Plus of 2 February 2024

  • Downloads IVCIE

    Cooperation agreement
    Cooperation agreement of 4 November 2008 on the prevention and management of packaging waste.

  • Downloads IVCIE

    Fost Plus
    Accreditation Fost Plus of 20 December 2018

  • Downloads IVCIE

    Accreditation Valipac of 2 December 2021


Interregional Packaging Commission (IRPC)